- Meet Your Personal Trainer

Company Name: Daode Qigong
Slogan: "Move like a Tiger - Walk like a Human"
Location: Avalon, New South Wales Australia

15 years


I have spent many, many years exploring various ways to move the body and the results that different movement methods work and how they affect the body. Then I discovered Tai chi and my search was over! Tai chi teaches you how to move your body in a way that you cannot image unless you try it. How is this done? The movements that you see someone perform on the outside when they are doing Tai chi is only part of the picture. On the inside, the tai chi practitioner is applying some specific internal principles ('Inner Work') which give the Tai chi movements special qualities. This means that Tai chi is a type of exercise which unites and 'exercises' all aspects of the human being. The result? A very deep understanding of movement and how the body works. A state of deep relaxation of the body and mind. Reduced stress and better ability to deal with and recover from stress. Increased energy levels and mental clarity. Efficient and natural body movement free of tension. The list goes on! ----- Experience: ----- Over 14 years working as a personal trainer in the fitness industry Over 10 years of Karate practice (during childhood) Over 10 years of Qigong, Tai chi & Internal Alchemy practice ----- Tai chi experience: ----- Yang style 24, 85, Broadsword & Long Sword forms Wu Hao Style tai chi 85 form ----- Qigong experience: ----- Yang style Tai chi Qigong Daogong ----- Internal Alchemy Studies ----- Longmenpai (Dragon Gate School) Yuxianpai (Meeting of the Immortals School) Wuliupai (Wu & Liu School) Other Studies: Bagua form Xingyi methods

Discover Tai chi

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Contact Luis De Florio

My Qualifications & Registrations

Australian Institute of Fitness

Australian Catholic Univeristy

My Certificates

Certificate 3 & 4 in Fitness, Master Trainer Qualification

Bachelor of Exercise Science at Australian Catholic University

Bachelor of Health Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine at University of Technology Sydney

Diploma in Leadership and Management

Qigong & Tai chi Instructor - Australian Taoist Kung Fu Association

Qigong Instructor - Daode Centre

My Contact Details

Phone Number
See Phone Number

My Social Media

Operating Hours:


My Address:

Array ( [user_id] => 228 [first_name] => Luis [last_name] => De Florio [email] => [email protected] [company] => Daode Qigong [phone_number] => 0431 963 135 [fax_number] => [address1] => 125 Palmgrove Road [address2] => My Address Line 2 [city] => Avalon [zip_code] => 2107 [state_code] => NSW [state_ln] => New South Wales [country_code] => AU [country_ln] => Australia [website] => [twitter] => [youtube] => [facebook] => [linkedin] => [blog] => [quote] => Move like a Tiger - Walk like a Human [experience] => [affiliation] => [awards] => [published] => [education] => [software] => [fees] => [about_me] => [featured] => 0 [modtime] => 2019-05-17 01:07:03 [subscription_id] => 6 [filename] => personal-trainer/new-south-wales/avalon/luis-de-florio [box_style] => [password] => $2a$11$26feb3d36be832b622cf1ewiJvVF75LKx1m34mJOQ.tKYStO.NTpK [active] => 2 [token] => 52e7c3013330eab46a1eff50a7100701 [ref_code] => [signup_date] => 20190517160702 [cookie] => [account_type] => pro [page_title] => [last_login] => 20220217220732 [testimonial] => [position] => N/A [instagram] => [credentials] => [bitly] => 0 [preferred] => 0 [profession_id] => 30 [facebook_id] => 10158355925874008 [google_id] => [facebook_username] => [facebook_email] => [verified] => 0 [pre_hold] => [link] => [pinterest] => [nationwide] => 0 [cv] => [work_experience] => [rep_matters] => [speaking_engagements] => [current_positions] => [gmap] => 125+Palmgrove+RoadAvalon,+NSW+2107+AU [additional_fields] => [video] => [keywords] => [google_plus] => [listing_type] => Individual [phone_number2] => [lat] => -33.6302836 [lon] => 151.3297698 [no_geo] => 1 [parent_id] => 0 [geo_state] => 2 [user_consent] => [search_description] => [origin_ip] => [member_type] => yearly [month] => 12 [year] => 2021 [last_Login] => 20190517160702 [clientid] => 120 [orderid] => 117 [productids] => 117 [invoiceid] => 901800132 [qualifications3] => -----Select----- [qualifications4] => -----Select----- [qualifications5] => -----Select----- [hours] => N/A [last_login_ip] => [use_name] => Company Name [qualifications1] =>

Australian Institute of Fitness

[qualifications2] =>

Australian Catholic Univeristy

[certificates1] => Certificate 3 & 4 in Fitness, Master Trainer Qualification [certificates4] => Diploma in Leadership and Management [certificates5] => Qigong & Tai chi Instructor - Australian Taoist Kung Fu Association [certificates6] => Qigong Instructor - Daode Centre [certificates2] => Bachelor of Exercise Science at Australian Catholic University [certificates3] => Bachelor of Health Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine at University of Technology Sydney [youtube_link] =>
[yrs_exp] =>

15 years

[form-heading-text-1] => Discover Tai chi [form-heading-text-2] => Book your Free trial lesson [all_subcategories] => 1 [filename_hidden] => personal-trainer/new-south-wales/avalon/daode-qigong [aboutnew] => I have spent many, many years exploring various ways to move the body and the results that different movement methods work and how they affect the body. Then I discovered Tai chi and my search was over! Tai chi teaches you how to move your body in a way that you cannot image unless you try it. How is this done? The movements that you see someone perform on the outside when they are doing Tai chi is only part of the picture. On the inside, the tai chi practitioner is applying some specific internal principles ('Inner Work') which give the Tai chi movements special qualities. This means that Tai chi is a type of exercise which unites and 'exercises' all aspects of the human being. The result? A very deep understanding of movement and how the body works. A state of deep relaxation of the body and mind. Reduced stress and better ability to deal with and recover from stress. Increased energy levels and mental clarity. Efficient and natural body movement free of tension. The list goes on! ----- Experience: ----- Over 14 years working as a personal trainer in the fitness industry Over 10 years of Karate practice (during childhood) Over 10 years of Qigong, Tai chi & Internal Alchemy practice ----- Tai chi experience: ----- Yang style 24, 85, Broadsword & Long Sword forms Wu Hao Style tai chi 85 form ----- Qigong experience: ----- Yang style Tai chi Qigong Daogong ----- Internal Alchemy Studies ----- Longmenpai (Dragon Gate School) Yuxianpai (Meeting of the Immortals School) Wuliupai (Wu & Liu School) Other Studies: Bagua form Xingyi methods [seo_page_title] => Daode Qigong [seo_page_keywords] => Daode Qigong [seo_page_description] => I have spent many, many years exploring various ways to move the body and the results that different movement methods work and how they affect the body. Then I discovered Tai chi and my search was over! Tai chi teaches you how to move your body in a way that you cannot image unless you try it. How is this done? The movements that you see someone perform on the outside when they are doing Tai chi is only part of the picture. On the inside, the tai chi practitioner is applying some specific internal principles ('Inner Work') which give the Tai chi movements special qualities. [is_subscription_active] => 117 [seo_page_title_hidden] => Daode Qigong - Personal-Trainer - Fitness Industry [seo_page_keywords_hidden] => Daode Qigong, Daode Qigong Avalon, New South Wales Australia, Daode Qigong Personal-Trainer, Daode Qigong Reviews [seo_page_description_hidden] => Connect with Daode Qigong, Personal-Trainer in Avalon, New South Wales Australia. Find Daode Qigong reviews and more. [seo_social_page_title_hidden] => Daode Qigong on Meet Your Personal Trainer [seo_social_page_description_hidden] => Learn about Daode Qigong, Personal-Trainer in Avalon, New South Wales Australia. Find Daode Qigong reviews and more on Meet Your Personal Trainer. [form_heading_text_1] => N/A [form_heading_text_2] => N/A [service] => 239, 241, 243, 244, 808, 992, 252 [full_name] => Luis De Florio [full_name_short] => Luis De Florio [country_name] => Australia [state_name] => New South Wales [name] => New South Wales [location] => Avalon, New South Wales Australia [user_location] => Avalon, NSW 2107 AU [profession_name] => Personal-Trainer [profession] => Meet Your Personal Trainer [gmap_zoom] => 13 [member_since] => 0 month [signup_date_format] => 05/17/2019 [service_name] => Health Coach [photo_file] => /pictures/profile/luis-de-florio-avalon-nsw-573.png [logo_file] => /logos/profile/-logo-avalon-nsw-403.jpg [cover_photo] => [image_main_file] => /pictures/profile/luis-de-florio-avalon-nsw-573.png [member_login_link] => [default_category_image] => [custom_form] => 1 [city_name] => Avalon [new_filename] => %filename% ) NULL

Discover Tai chi

Book your Free trial lesson

Contact Luis De Florio

Company Name: Daode Qigong

Slogan: "Move like a Tiger - Walk like a Human"

Location: Avalon, New South Wales Australia

Contact Details:

Phone Number
See Phone Number


I have spent many, many years exploring various ways to move the body and the results that different movement methods work and how they affect the body. Then I discovered Tai chi and my search was over! Tai chi teaches you how to move your body in a way that you cannot image unless you try it. How is this done? The movements that you see someone perform on the outside when they are doing Tai chi is only part of the picture. On the inside, the tai chi practitioner is applying some specific internal principles ('Inner Work') which give the Tai chi movements special qualities. This means that Tai chi is a type of exercise which unites and 'exercises' all aspects of the human being. The result? A very deep understanding of movement and how the body works. A state of deep relaxation of the body and mind. Reduced stress and better ability to deal with and recover from stress. Increased energy levels and mental clarity. Efficient and natural body movement free of tension. The list goes on! ----- Experience: ----- Over 14 years working as a personal trainer in the fitness industry Over 10 years of Karate practice (during childhood) Over 10 years of Qigong, Tai chi & Internal Alchemy practice ----- Tai chi experience: ----- Yang style 24, 85, Broadsword & Long Sword forms Wu Hao Style tai chi 85 form ----- Qigong experience: ----- Yang style Tai chi Qigong Daogong ----- Internal Alchemy Studies ----- Longmenpai (Dragon Gate School) Yuxianpai (Meeting of the Immortals School) Wuliupai (Wu & Liu School) Other Studies: Bagua form Xingyi methods

My Qualifications & Registrations

Australian Institute of Fitness

Australian Catholic Univeristy

My Certificates

Certificate 3 & 4 in Fitness, Master Trainer Qualification

Bachelor of Exercise Science at Australian Catholic University

Bachelor of Health Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine at University of Technology Sydney

Diploma in Leadership and Management

Qigong & Tai chi Instructor - Australian Taoist Kung Fu Association

Qigong Instructor - Daode Centre

15 years

Operating Hours:



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Australian Institute of Fitness

[qualifications2] =>

Australian Catholic Univeristy

[certificates1] => Certificate 3 & 4 in Fitness, Master Trainer Qualification [certificates4] => Diploma in Leadership and Management [certificates5] => Qigong & Tai chi Instructor - Australian Taoist Kung Fu Association [certificates6] => Qigong Instructor - Daode Centre [certificates2] => Bachelor of Exercise Science at Australian Catholic University [certificates3] => Bachelor of Health Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine at University of Technology Sydney [youtube_link] =>
[yrs_exp] =>

15 years

[form-heading-text-1] => Discover Tai chi [form-heading-text-2] => Book your Free trial lesson [all_subcategories] => 1 [filename_hidden] => personal-trainer/new-south-wales/avalon/daode-qigong [aboutnew] => I have spent many, many years exploring various ways to move the body and the results that different movement methods work and how they affect the body. Then I discovered Tai chi and my search was over! Tai chi teaches you how to move your body in a way that you cannot image unless you try it. How is this done? The movements that you see someone perform on the outside when they are doing Tai chi is only part of the picture. On the inside, the tai chi practitioner is applying some specific internal principles ('Inner Work') which give the Tai chi movements special qualities. This means that Tai chi is a type of exercise which unites and 'exercises' all aspects of the human being. The result? A very deep understanding of movement and how the body works. A state of deep relaxation of the body and mind. Reduced stress and better ability to deal with and recover from stress. Increased energy levels and mental clarity. Efficient and natural body movement free of tension. The list goes on! ----- Experience: ----- Over 14 years working as a personal trainer in the fitness industry Over 10 years of Karate practice (during childhood) Over 10 years of Qigong, Tai chi & Internal Alchemy practice ----- Tai chi experience: ----- Yang style 24, 85, Broadsword & Long Sword forms Wu Hao Style tai chi 85 form ----- Qigong experience: ----- Yang style Tai chi Qigong Daogong ----- Internal Alchemy Studies ----- Longmenpai (Dragon Gate School) Yuxianpai (Meeting of the Immortals School) Wuliupai (Wu & Liu School) Other Studies: Bagua form Xingyi methods [seo_page_title] => Daode Qigong [seo_page_keywords] => Daode Qigong [seo_page_description] => I have spent many, many years exploring various ways to move the body and the results that different movement methods work and how they affect the body. Then I discovered Tai chi and my search was over! Tai chi teaches you how to move your body in a way that you cannot image unless you try it. How is this done? The movements that you see someone perform on the outside when they are doing Tai chi is only part of the picture. On the inside, the tai chi practitioner is applying some specific internal principles ('Inner Work') which give the Tai chi movements special qualities. [is_subscription_active] => 117 [seo_page_title_hidden] => Daode Qigong - Personal-Trainer - Fitness Industry [seo_page_keywords_hidden] => Daode Qigong, Daode Qigong Avalon, New South Wales Australia, Daode Qigong Personal-Trainer, Daode Qigong Reviews [seo_page_description_hidden] => Connect with Daode Qigong, Personal-Trainer in Avalon, New South Wales Australia. Find Daode Qigong reviews and more. [seo_social_page_title_hidden] => Daode Qigong on Meet Your Personal Trainer [seo_social_page_description_hidden] => Learn about Daode Qigong, Personal-Trainer in Avalon, New South Wales Australia. Find Daode Qigong reviews and more on Meet Your Personal Trainer. [form_heading_text_1] => N/A [form_heading_text_2] => N/A [service] => 239, 241, 243, 244, 808, 992, 252 [full_name] => Luis De Florio [full_name_short] => Luis De Florio [country_name] => Australia [state_name] => New South Wales [name] => New South Wales [location] => Avalon, New South Wales Australia [user_location] => Avalon, NSW 2107 AU [profession_name] => Personal-Trainer [profession] => Meet Your Personal Trainer [gmap_zoom] => 13 [member_since] => 0 month [signup_date_format] => 05/17/2019 [service_name] => Health Coach [photo_file] => /pictures/profile/luis-de-florio-avalon-nsw-573.png [logo_file] => /logos/profile/-logo-avalon-nsw-403.jpg [cover_photo] => [image_main_file] => /pictures/profile/luis-de-florio-avalon-nsw-573.png [member_login_link] => [default_category_image] => [custom_form] => 1 [city_name] => Avalon [new_filename] => %filename% ) NULL

My How to Videos

Qigong Client Interview: Josh

In this Video, Josh who has been training with me for several years shares why he loves to practice Qigong and what benefits and effects he experiences


by Luis De Florio on 07/07/2019

Tai chi Client Interview: Dave

Dave who has been training with me for several years now and in this interview I ask him 3 questions:1. I there anything about tai chi that you have discovered to be surprising or


by Luis De Florio on 06/28/2019

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Move like a Tiger - Walk like a Human

Contact Information

Company Name
Daode Qigong
Company Logo
Daode Qigong Company Logo by Luis De Florio in Avalon NSW
Online Social Profiles
Phone Number
See Phone Number
125 Palmgrove Road
My Address Line 2
Avalon, New South Wales, 2107
Phone Number
0431 963 135
Years of Experience

15 years

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I have spent many, many years exploring various ways to move the body and the results that different movement methods work and how they affect the body. Then I discovered Tai chi and my search was over! Tai chi teaches you how to move your body in a way that you cannot image unless you try it. How is this done? The movements that you see someone perform on the outside when they are doing Tai chi is only part of the picture. On the inside, the tai chi practitioner is applying some specific internal principles ('Inner Work') which give the Tai chi movements special qualities. This means that Tai chi is a type of exercise which unites and 'exercises' all aspects of the human being. The result? A very deep understanding of movement and how the body works. A state of deep relaxation of the body and mind. Reduced stress and better ability to deal with and recover from stress. Increased energy levels and mental clarity. Efficient and natural body movement free of tension. The list goes on!

----- Experience: -----

Over 14 years working as a personal trainer in the fitness industry

Over 10 years of Karate practice (during childhood)

Over 10 years of Qigong, Tai chi & Internal Alchemy practice

----- Tai chi experience: -----

Yang style 24, 85, Broadsword & Long Sword forms

Wu Hao Style tai chi 85 form

----- Qigong experience: -----

Yang style Tai chi Qigong


----- Internal Alchemy Studies -----

Longmenpai (Dragon Gate School)

Yuxianpai (Meeting of the Immortals School)

Wuliupai (Wu & Liu School)

Other Studies:

Bagua form

Xingyi methods
My Qualifications & Registrations 1

Australian Institute of Fitness

My Qualifications & Registrations 2

Australian Catholic Univeristy

My Qualifications & Registrations 3
My Qualifications & Registrations 4
My Qualifications & Registrations 5
My Certificates - 1
Certificate 3 & 4 in Fitness, Master Trainer Qualification
My Certificates - 2
Bachelor of Exercise Science at Australian Catholic University
My Certificates - 3
Bachelor of Health Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine at University of Technology Sydney
My Certificates - 4
Diploma in Leadership and Management
My Certificates - 5
Qigong & Tai chi Instructor - Australian Taoist Kung Fu Association
My Certificates - 6
Qigong Instructor - Daode Centre
My Open Hours